Thursday 29 September 2011

End of Term 3 Update

Hi Everyone,

Congratulations on a very successful term 3, many of the Triathlon athletes qualified to represent Duncraig Senior High School at the SSWA Interschool Athletics Carnival. Well done! Congratulations also go to those individuals who were champion boy/girl or runner up in their age group.

This term has been a big training term, where the students have all increased their fitness levels and speed. Congratulations to those that achieved new PB's for the mile, it shows that your hard work is paying off and with the season just round the corner it puts you in a good position to start the Triathlon season on the right foot and heading in the right direction. Everyone's time is below, those in bold and with and asterisks and new PB's. Well done to all!

Hope you enjoy your holidays and remember to keep training, the Athletics Carnival and Triathlon season are just around the corner.

1600m Time Trial Rankings

Boys Time (Sept)   PB   Girls Time (Sept)   PB
Egan K. 05:33.6 * 05:33.6   Nazaroff 05:30.5 * 05:30.5
French 05:33.6 * 05:33.6   Hilton 06:26.7 * 06:26.7
Edwards 05:38.3 * 05:38.3   Waite     06:34.6
Toohey 06:50.9   05:42.7   Elt 06:50.1 * 06:50.1
Harbers 06:50.9   05:45.2   Longman 06:54.1 * 06:54.1
Walton 05:50.5 * 05:50.5   Buchanan 07:16.9   07:06.7
Dobson 06:00.1 * 06:00.1   Illingworth 07:29.6   07:08.4
Gomer 06:01.0 * 06:01.0   Miller     07:13.9
Knott 06:02.3 * 06:02.3   Whittle 07:25.0 * 07:25.0
Noack     06:10.2   Mellows 07:31.7   07:31.7
Hejleh 06:11.3 * 06:11.3   Brown     07:37.2
McCoach 06:16.1   06:14.2   Wrenn 07:47.8 * 07:47.8
Spratt 06:22.7 * 06:22.7   Broad 07:48.3 * 07:48.3
Swift 06:23.6 * 06:23.6   Bermingham 09:00.2   07:57.8
Creeper 06:26.4   06:23.9   Lennox 08:12.6 * 08:12.6
Neary 06:48.5   06:24.2   Vavra 08:26.6 * 08:26.6
Omond     06:25.0   Turtle N.     09:14.1
Wenn 08:02.3   06:29.9   O'Sullivan 09:43.8 * 09:43.8
Barker     06:35.4          
Balalas 06:39.6 * 06:39.6          
Medland 06:58.8   06:44.0          
Thompson 06:44.4 * 06:44.4          
Turtle B.     06:55.0          
Egan S.     06:56.4          
Ahearn 08:06.1   07:04.1          
Boyle 07:37.8   07:05.7          
Goggins 07:06.3 * 07:06.3          
McGuire-Darcy     07:06.8          
Slatter 07:12.4 * 07:12.4          
Le Roux 07:37.8   07:22.1          
Beard 08:06.1   07:26.0          
King 08:54.8   07:40.6          
Williams 08:26.6   08:00.7          
O'Callaghan 08:01.7 * 08:01.7  

Barton-Sadler 08:27.0 * 08:27.0  

Miltrup 08:42.6   08:42.6  

Samuels     08:48.0  

Thursday 15 September 2011

House Athletics Carnival

Hi Everyone,

Again been awhile since I last reported back, but what a sensational day we had today! The morning provided perfect weather for fast running, almost no wind, overcast and just the right temperature saw many of the Triathlete's dominate early in the running events.
A big congratulations to all those that took part and earned a large number of podium finishes. We may have even had several records broken, not only today but over the last week in the lead up to the carnival. The 3k Cross Country last Friday is a perfect example were at least 6 records were broken, all by either current or former members of the Triathlon program.
On the training front, the students have been going great on the bike with all three groups comfortably being able to ride over 30k in a training session.
Hopefully as the nice weather continues to become more regular, the students will start to see all their hard work pay off as their fitness levels sky rockets.

Congratulations to all those students putting in the hard work, it will pay off!

Saturday 13 August 2011

Solid Training Week

So we've now been back at school for 3 weeks and some of the students are starting to show some good signs of their fitness returning quickly. Tuesday morning was easily one of the best rides I've been on since joining the DTA, the year 9 students were solid in their ride and managed to ride all the way to the end of Challenger Parade, which is south of City Beach and only 2k short of making it to Challenge Stadium, easily the furthest any group has covered(35k) in their allocated time without being late back to school. Awesome effort year 9's!!!!! Unfortunately the other 2 rides were not quite so successful, being interrupted by punctures and little mishaps, we all need to remember to watch where we are going.

The year 8 students were lucky enough to receive a special visitor on Wednesday, Ian Mansfield from XU1 sports dropped by to talk to the students about their training and their nutrition and the importance of eating and drinking the right things, they were also lucky enough to all receive a gift from Ian and now all have no excuse for being thirsty when they go out for a run, enjoy the running belts! And thank you Ian for coming out and sharing your wealth of knowledge with the students, hopefully they all learnt something new.

Good luck to Tarinah, who this week is off to represent WA at the National All Schools Cross Country Championships in Canberra, and to all the year 8's in their chosen sport for Thurday's Lightning Carnival.

Keep up the training and lets hope for some more sensational weather, like we had during the week.

Sunday 31 July 2011

Term 3

Hello All, and welcome back to school.
We are now into the serious time of the year were we start Triathlon Training again.
It was a wet but great start to the term. All 3 groups managed to get a cycle done, although some struggled more then other students. Some students really struggled with their fitness and not being on the bike for over 10 weeks really showed, hopefully everyone will find the cycling legs soon and the fun will be able to begin.

We have also obtained 15 Heart Rate Monitors over the holidays and are now able to accurately assess their fitness. During the 1st week of term all students performed a Test Heart Rate Session. Depending on the year group they were in, they all ran a serious of 400m efforts and times and Heart Rates were recorded. Some students were either VERY VERY unfit or unable to read their watch as students recorded Heart Rates well above 200 beats per minute!

Hopefully the rain will stay away and the training and enjoyment can continue through the term as we prepare for the State Triathlon Championships at Champion Lakes on Thursday November 10th.

As always feel free to contact me if you have any problems or questions.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

End of Term 2 Update

Sorry everyone for the slow uptake on keeping the blog up to date.

Not a lot has been happening at school, with the late starts instead of Cycling and the early finishes instead of Swimming, the students have had a well earned break and just been focusing on some core strength and running practices.

Congratulations to Tarinah, in year 8, for making the School Sport WA State Cross Country Team!

Of late the year 8's have now learnt how to change a flat tyre and make sure their bike is safe and road worthy. All of them are now very capable of taking their wheel off and changing the inner tube.

Don't forget parent/ teacher interviews are next Thursday, feel free to book an interview and come in and have chat with me.

Calendars for the start of next term will be issued to all the students next Wednesday, the last day of term and we resume Cycling and Swimming next term.

Finally, on another note, the 2012 School Sport Australian Triathlon Championships have been announced. They will be in Busselton, Western Australia between April 2-5. That means for all those aspiring to make the state team now have a specific goal. The WA selection race will be at Champion Lakes on November 3.

Hope everyone enjoys the school holidays and I look forward to seeing everyone back in term 3.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Year 8 Wednesday Run Session

Yesterday, the year 8's went for their first serious Cross Country run. We left school at the start of the period and ran up to the bushland just opposite Lilburne Road and Hepburn Road, running all the way to the water station fencing and then back down the northern end of the Hepburn heights bushland.

Enjoyable run session allowing the students to finally warm up on such a cold day. The students got to experience some nice hard trails and some very soft sand running. The run was going well until Liam decided talking was more important then watching where he was running, managing to trip over his own feet and landing in the sand, much to the amusement of the rest of the class.

In the end a very successful run session with the students covering 5km during the lesson with the front runners of the group running for 28 minutes.

Well done!

Tuesday 7 June 2011

In The Beginning

Well, its time to start embracing the digital age and start keeping a record of what the students get up to whilst training with the Duncraig Triathlon Academy.
Hopefully, I can keep it current and keep everyone informed of what we get up to, allowing parents to keep track of what training the students get up to each and everyday.
Also below is the what the Academy is all about, hopefully this will get more people interested in the program and keep the numbers attending the school high.

Duncraig Triathlon Academy
Program is aimed at:
Athletes who are currently competing in  Triathlons, or involved in swimming, cycling or running activities, or members of surf clubs.
Other interested individuals who are keen  to develop their performance in Triathlon.
Girls who enjoy sport are strongly  encouraged to join the program.
Students will complete one session per week in swimming, cycling and running during class time.
Swimming sessions begin at 2.00pm and finish at 4.00pm (includes travel time).
Cycling sessions begin at 7.30am and finish at 9.45am.
The school has quality racing bikes for use by students who do not have their own road bike.
Running sessions are conducted during school lesson time.
Why Choose Duncraig Senior High School?
A proud history of competence in interschool performances, particularly in athletics and swimming.
A commitment of over 20 years to academic excellence at the school.
Nationally accredited triathlon coaches with extensive triathlon racing experience.
Close links with our State Association (Triathlon WA) and our local triathlon club (North Coast Triathlon Club).
Selection Process
Students will be selected from a trial of Year 7 students, held in term 2 of each year.
At this selection trial, students are required  to complete two time trials :
200m swim – finish under 4 minutes 45 seconds
1600m run – finish under 8 minutes 30 seconds 

 The Duncraig Triathlon Academy will offer you quality coaching in areas such as technique, race strategy, nutrition and sport psychology in a supportive environment.

Triathlon as a sport helps develop a healthy lifestyle based on good exercise and eating habits.

“The program introduced me to Triathlon and assisted me to represent my State twice which is something I will never forget.”
Jack (Yr 11)
“Duncraig Triathlon Academy allowed me to keep fit during the off season for footy and allowed me to exercise with my mates.”
Joel (Yr 12)
“Triathlon helped increase my fitness, while making new friends.”
Aimee (Yr 12)
“Triathlon made coming into Year 8 a fun and welcoming experience. I was able to keep fit with other motivated students.”
Julia (Yr 12)

Triathlon is an exciting sport with opportunities for athletes to progress to the top of the sport.
Skill development in swimming, cycling and running is the main priority in this program with fitness steadily improving over the years of the program.

Training is purposeful and planned according to the general principles of training.

The training program will also balance the demands of elite performance and enjoyment.

For any further queries please contact the Physical Education Department:
Phone: 6241 5000

Care... Engage... Excel