Sunday 31 July 2011

Term 3

Hello All, and welcome back to school.
We are now into the serious time of the year were we start Triathlon Training again.
It was a wet but great start to the term. All 3 groups managed to get a cycle done, although some struggled more then other students. Some students really struggled with their fitness and not being on the bike for over 10 weeks really showed, hopefully everyone will find the cycling legs soon and the fun will be able to begin.

We have also obtained 15 Heart Rate Monitors over the holidays and are now able to accurately assess their fitness. During the 1st week of term all students performed a Test Heart Rate Session. Depending on the year group they were in, they all ran a serious of 400m efforts and times and Heart Rates were recorded. Some students were either VERY VERY unfit or unable to read their watch as students recorded Heart Rates well above 200 beats per minute!

Hopefully the rain will stay away and the training and enjoyment can continue through the term as we prepare for the State Triathlon Championships at Champion Lakes on Thursday November 10th.

As always feel free to contact me if you have any problems or questions.