Saturday 13 August 2011

Solid Training Week

So we've now been back at school for 3 weeks and some of the students are starting to show some good signs of their fitness returning quickly. Tuesday morning was easily one of the best rides I've been on since joining the DTA, the year 9 students were solid in their ride and managed to ride all the way to the end of Challenger Parade, which is south of City Beach and only 2k short of making it to Challenge Stadium, easily the furthest any group has covered(35k) in their allocated time without being late back to school. Awesome effort year 9's!!!!! Unfortunately the other 2 rides were not quite so successful, being interrupted by punctures and little mishaps, we all need to remember to watch where we are going.

The year 8 students were lucky enough to receive a special visitor on Wednesday, Ian Mansfield from XU1 sports dropped by to talk to the students about their training and their nutrition and the importance of eating and drinking the right things, they were also lucky enough to all receive a gift from Ian and now all have no excuse for being thirsty when they go out for a run, enjoy the running belts! And thank you Ian for coming out and sharing your wealth of knowledge with the students, hopefully they all learnt something new.

Good luck to Tarinah, who this week is off to represent WA at the National All Schools Cross Country Championships in Canberra, and to all the year 8's in their chosen sport for Thurday's Lightning Carnival.

Keep up the training and lets hope for some more sensational weather, like we had during the week.