Monday 30 January 2012

2012 Start of a new School Year

Hello Everyone,

I know its been along time between updates, my bad I have been very lazy.

So we now start the new school year, with some very exciting prospects for 2012.

Firstly congratulations to the students that have made the School Sport WA Team for Schools Nationals to be held in Busselton in April 2012. Those students are Jo Robertson, Brandon Swift, Liam McCoach, Mitchell Williams, Megan Elt, Tarinah Nazaroff, Alicia Buchanan, Ben Walton and Sam Zehnder.

Congratulations also need to go to Alicia and Shannon Sherwin for making the Cycling WA State Track Team!

At the end of last year I spent a week in Qld with the National Junior Talent Academy, this was a very valuable learning experience and I hope to be able to share my learning with the students throughout this year to help develop them into elite athletes.

I look forward to working with you all and having some great experiences.

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